Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
The PowerMac config continues... intalling Illustrator and Photoshop on a super-duper Mac. Wonderful!

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Setting up a Windows XP virtual machine in Parallels now that I have got my hands on a nice Intel MacbookPro

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
browsing the web on an iphone. Using the office wifi so this is all pretty slick. Sweeeeeet!

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Finally enjoying an active internet connection (on a ma-hooosive new 27" display!)

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Using the free wifi at konnigans (http://preview.tinyurl.com/2h4kjs) while I'm without broadband at home

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Excitedly awaiting the arrival of my sister and her family from California

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Catching up on emails. Sitting with a nice view of the river by Blackfriars bridge.

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Making content changes directly on my live web server... easy does it!

Phil Hawksworth
@philhawksworth •
Discovering (and loving) Twitterific. I think it makes twttering more consumable.