Today I saw what *real* passion and commitment looks like, when @DavidDarnes started telling me about the different levels of filling he'd encountered in various brands of mince pies.

A little update: I've just learned that while this is true in the `tweets.js` file that contains all of your tweets, you can cross-reference that with the `twitter-circle-tweet.js` to find things you posted into circles.
Caution is still needed if, like me, you roll your own archive view of your tweets. But the data is present in your export after all. Just in a different file from from your tweets.

@DavidDarnes @robb @type_error Add those few extra characters not previously available — Director’s cut.

@cl Thanks so much!
I rolled my own, and I’ll blog about it tomorrow, but you can also use something like Tweetback to get a very similar result without too much fuss.

@henry oh thanks! I’m long overdue an update… which might be my holiday project.

It's been fun adding the archive of my tweets to my own site.
- Index of all tweets paginated into ~1000 pre-gen pages
- ODB (on-demand) render + cache of any specific tweet page
- Speedy (but basic for now) searching with Edge Functions

"I've looked at *everything*, there's no way I'm missing something silly or obvious."
Narrator: He was.

No, I haven't just spent hours looking for an error in my code only to realise I was
"discovering" a known and documented limitation with a tool I was using. Why do you ask?
Note to future me — Read the docs.
Another note to future me — Really. Go and read the docs.

I don't know if you know but your tweet reminded me that you are both excellent and should be friends.

@andy 100000% This!
I listen to it often. And it is a Friday signal to me that the weekend approaches.
Rosanna is hard song to beat.

@developit We’ve never done it before. I thought it was excellent. Definitely an experience to repeat.

@dizzyd Bravo. Huge respect to you.

@developit No, it was a live orchestra performing the soundtrack to accompany Muppet’s Christmas Carol at the Hammersmith Apollo …and it was glorious.

The Muppet’s Christmas Carol is Michael Caine’s best movie.
Change my mind.

I've never heard a @zachleat interview I didn't enjoy.
This one with @davatron5000 and @chriscoyier of #ShopTalkShow is a great peek into WebC, @eleventy, a return to pre-SPA architectures, and thoughtfulness over how we build things together. Lovely.

@prushforth Yes! I always feel fortunate when I’m allowed to sit in my office chair.

@peduarte We have a few folks around the company who use Raycast already, and I'm interested to explore what's possible with teams.
We'll likely start with just a small number of us on the free tier for teams, and then ramp up from there. My instinct is that we'll quickly see value in this for some of our common shared tasks and commands, so stepping into the paid tier will become an easier decision.

@peduarte This sounds brilliant.
I'd like to coordinate with you on planning/building it. Our API is pretty well documented and is core to how we expose more features (everything tends to sit on top of our API, so if something is possible via the admin app or CLI, you can expect it to be possible via the API)
I can help connect people to liaise on this.